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Treatment recommendations based on Network Meta-Analysis: rules for risk-averse decision-makers

A E Ades, H Pedder, A L Davies et al. 

Submitted to Research Synthesis Methods (2024)



Factors associated with effectiveness of interventions to prevent obesity in children: a synthesis of evidence from 204 randomized trials

A L Davies, F Spiga et al. 

Submitted to BMJ Public Health (2024)



Do the effects of interventions aimed at the prevention of childhood obesity reduce inequities? A re-analysis of randomized trial data from two Cochrane reviews

J C Palmer*, A L Davies*, F Spiga*, et al

*joint first author

Submitted to the Lancet Public Health (2024)



A novel analytic framework to investigate differential effects of interventions to prevent obesity in children and young people

F Spiga, A L Davies et al 

Submitted to NIHR Journals Library (2024)




A complex meta-regression model to identify effective features of interventions from multi-arm, multi-follow-up trials

Statistics in Medicine (2024)

A L Davies and J PT Higgins



Mapping between measurement scales in meta-analysis, with application to measures of body mass index in children
Research Synthesis Methods (2024)

A L Davies, A E Ades, J P T Higgins



Delayed kernels for longitudinal survival analysis and dynamic prediction

Statistical Methods in Medical Research
A L Davies, A C C Coolen, T Galla (2024)



Shortest path or random walks? A framework for path weights in network meta-analysis
Statistics in Medicine
G Rücker, T Papakonstantinou, A Nikolakopoulou, G Schwarzer, T Galla, A L Davies (2024)



Interventions to prevent obesity in children aged 5 to 11 years old

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
F Spiga, A L Davies, E Tomlinson et al. (2024)



Interventions to prevent obesity in children aged 12 to 18 years old
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews

F Spiga, E Tomlinson, A L Davies et al. (2024)



Network meta-analysis: a statistical physics perspective

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment

A L Davies, T Galla (2022)



Network meta-analysis and random walks

Statistics in Medicine

A L Davies, T Papakonstantinou, A Nikolakopoulou, G Rücker, T Galla (2022)


Degree irregularity and rank probability bias in network meta-analysis

Research Synthesis Methods

A L Davies, T Galla (2020)

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